Use "tole|toles" in a sentence

1. " Talbot, dey coachman, tole me.

2. WashingtonPost editorial cartoonist Tom Toles thinks not.

3. A little bird tole me that today is your birthday.

4. Rene brings different ideas tole of first team coach.

5. The film is not as interesting as you tole me.

6. Though people have often laughed at stories tole by seamen.

7. They tole me that they saw two deers drinking at the river bang.

8. Ah done tole Poke ter lay two extry plates fer dem.

9. A recent editorial cartoon by Tom Toles caught the irony in all of this.

10. He tole me that the girl was in danger, so we went to help her.

11. " Miss Scarlett(Sentence dictionary), Poke done tole me how you ast Mist Gerald to buy me.

12. Pour Battledoring whichever bivalvular husbander, she tole strummed hypergenetically an levis around-the-clock taking essay exams in order that incurved rejoiced

13. Further examples are jewelry-making, leatherwork, weaving, lacemaking, etching, making bark pictures, making designs with nails and threads, tatting, needlework, knitting, crocheting, carving, tole painting (folk art), stained-glass work, basket weaving and netmaking.

14. After A little while, Granma tole me say, "Granpa, Granma say you don't know nothing 'bout playing cards." In the Family NOVEMBER The first couple months of the school year may have been A little iffy for you, Twin, but you're getting into a groove.

15. A la mayor parte de les partícules de la naturaleza correspuénde-y una Antipartícula que tien la mesma masa, el mesmu espín, pero contraria carga llétrica.Delles partícules son idéntiques a la so Antipartícula, como por casu el fotón, que nun tien carga.Pero non toles partícules de …

16. Backgrounded with a repeating groove, Beyonc?starts the first verse.; The French Army Insignia of Marine Infantry Paratroopers is Backgrounded by a Marine Anchor.; In " The Gilstraps " McGruff is Backgrounded by men loading furniture into a moving truck.; One of the signs of such repaintings is a black-Backgrounded tole-painted object.Spoken text Backgrounded the dancing, lending an

17. Una Biocenosis (tamién llamada comunidá biótica, ecolóxica o a cencielles comunidá) ye'l conxuntu d'organismos de toles especies que coesisten nun espaciu definíu llamáu biotopu, qu'ufierta les condiciones ambientales necesaries pa la so sobrevivencia.Puede estremase en fitocenosis, que ye'l conxuntu d'especies vexetales, zoocenosis (conxuntu d'animales) y microBiocenosis (conxuntu de